Four tips for including your dog in your Senior Photo Session
Want to include your furry BFF in your senior photos?
That is a great idea! Here are a few tips to make the experience go smoothly!
One. Coordinate with someone who can bring your dog to the senior photos shoot at a predetermined time and location.
Senior photo sessions can last several hours and having your furry friend there the entire time can be distracting and potentially unsafe if you have a Summer senior photo shoot. Best practice is to have someone (usually Dad) bring your dog, we get the shots, Dad gets to experience a little of your session and then they get to go home. Win-win for everyone!
Two. Exercise your dog before your senior photos.
Especially important if your dog is a puppy. New place, lots of new smells, lots of excitement. Being a little tired helps reduce the craziness.
Three. Be patient.
Your dog will 100% not be photo ready when he/she arrives. I have a series of prompts I use to get the shots and honestly, it takes a few minutes for everyone and every dog to settle in. Be patient, we’ll get the shots. I’m not even worried about it.
Four. Interact with your pet like you do at home.
Like to hold your dog like a baby? Do it at your session so I can capture it! Interact with your dog so not every photo is just the two of you looking at the camera. I shoot a lot to make sure to get those perfect moments.
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